
Antelope Island Family Photographer

March 15, 2016

I am so glad that family photo season is about to start!  I love doing family photos in the spring!  It is always so refreshing to get back outside with more photo shoots.  Antelope Island is the perfect location for family photo shoots in the early spring.  Back in December I posted on my Instagram that I would be doing a free session for someone in need, I got so many great nominations, it was so hard to choose.  I ended up choosing Lisa and her family, she was nominated by her sister:

“I would like to nominate my sister, Lisa, and her family for the free family session. Lisa has dealt with Multiple Sclerosis and many other health issues like a champ. She willingly gives all of her time and energy to her three kids and husband. Every day, no matter how much pain she is in or how weak she feels, she gets out of bed and puts a smile on her face and gives her all to her family. She even somehow finds energy to serve those in her community, and is always there to uplift any who are struggling with her sense of humor and empathy. Her husband, Todd, is incredibly supportive and currently works two jobs to pay for massive medical bills, which have become a regular part of their lives, year after year. He never complains and somehow finds time to spend with his wife and kids, and to cook, clean, and do repairs around the house.

My sister often gets anxious at this time of year because of the expenses of the holidays, and starting in January, their insurance deductibles start over and they dish out thousands and thousands of dollars for medical bills. She knows how precious life is and loves to take pictures of her family. Having family pictures taken isn’t exactly in their budget right now, but I know that she would love to have them done.”

When I heard her story it hit a little place in my heart.  My husband had meningitis almost three years ago and he has been sick ever since, it has delayed a lot of areas in our lives, and it is so hard for me to be positive about it. Even though I am not the sick one!  As soon as I heard her story and how positive she is I wanted to meet Lisa, and learn from her about how to be happy during sickness.   Since meeting her I have tried my hardest to stop complaining about my husband and I’s situation and to love life no matter what comes our way.  I love Lisa’s example, when I met her and her family I could instantly feel happiness.  She is so positive and her smile is so contagious and beautiful.  I am so lucky to be able to meet so many wonderful people in the world and photograph their story and their love for each other.  Family is everything on this earth and I am so grateful that I get to peak in on these amazing relationships.

A little from Lisa: “I have MS and I was diagnosed in 2008. My kids are 13, 10 and 5. MS is pretty unpredictable. Relapses can happen at any time. I can wake up and be too weak to walk so I’m in a wheelchair for the next number of weeks or months. It affects my vision, my ability to move and causes almost constant fatigue and pain. It is called an “invisible disease” because most symptoms are not visible to those around you. But it has taught me to live in the present and enjoy those every day moments with those I love. I have learned to be grateful for things I used to take for granted. And it has blessed my family with so much patience and unconditional love.”

I think we can all learn to be better at living in the present and cherishing those that are close to us.

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